ACID HEAD, n. One who trips the light fantastic.
CONSPIRACY, n. Piracy on the secret sea.
CONSPIRACY THEORY, n. A way for non-Marxists to wage class warfare against the rich and powerful.
CSICOP, n. A skeptic tank.
DOGWOOD, n. A tree whose bark is worse than its bite.
DRUG CZAR, n. A despot-head.
FULL MOON, n. The moon when it is visible as a fully illumnated disk. The night of a full moon is the time when werewolves and weredoes prowl.
GONZO JOURNALIST, n. An amuckraker.
GREENSPAN, n. Formerly, the width of a handful of Federal Reserve Notes.
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, n. A house that is usually divided against itself and yet still stands.
IDIOT, n. Anyone who disagrees with an asshole.
MOON, SUN MYUNG, n. A Moon that is always full.
NEWSWORTHY, n. Worthy of news coverage, such as, for instance, a meeting of rich and powerful people, including bankers, industrialists, media people, diplomats and politicians,which is why the mainstream media always make a point of covering the annual meetings of the Bilderbergers.
PATRIOT, n. In the post-9/11 United States, one who wears an American-flag pin to show his love for Israel.
SACRED, adj. Profane but pretentious.
SMART BOMB, n. A weapon with an IQ higher than that of the patriots who reflexively applaud its use.
SOUTHERN BAPTIST, n. A Baptist who is even stupider than other Baptists.