I have a couple of questions for premil dips (premillenial dipsensationalists) or any other fundamentalist prophecy freaks who disagree with my opinion that Ezekiel 38 and 39, about Gog of Magog leading an attack on Israel, was a false prophecy about ancient times, and who insist the prophecy is going to be fulfilled in our future, possibly–preferably!–in our very near future.
Actually, I have two main questions.
The first question is: If Ezekiel 38 and 39 is a prophecy about our future and not a false prophecy about ancient times, then why are all the attackers in Ezekiel 38 and 39 riding on horses? Do you really expect us to believe that Russia (who you identify as Gog), Iran, Libya, Ethiopia, etc., are going to attck Israel, and all the attackers are going to be riding horses? Even if Russia still has some Cossacks, as some of you premil dips like to say, the idea that Russia is going to attack Irsael with nothing but Cossacks seems extremely farfetched. (When the Russians invaded Afghanistan, were the invaders all on horseback? I don’t think so.) And as far as I know, the armies of Iran, Libya, Ethiopia, etc., do not consist entirely of cavalry.
The second question is: If Ezekiel 38 and 39 is a prophecy about our future and not a false prophecy about ancient times, then why are all of the weapons that are mentioned in the prophecy–shields and bucklers, bows and arrows, handstaves, and spears–ancient weapons? Are we really supposed to believe that Russia, Iran, Libya, Ethiopia, etc., are going to attack Israel with armies using only shields and bucklers, bows and arrows, handstaves, and spears?
Well, what, if anything, do you premil dips have to say for yourself and your farfetched beliefs?
Speakup, Hal Lindsey. Speak up, John Hagee. Speak up, Tim LaHaye. Speak up, somebody.