Are You (Probably) Deluded?

If you believe Elvis Presley faked his own death so he could become an underover narc and you believe Elvis has called you on the phone to tell you to keep up the good work writing books claiming he’s alive, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe there’re no such things as the Bilderberg meetings, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Bilderbergers are all-powerful, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Alex Jones’ “inside information” about the Bilderbergers, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the word “teenager” was never used until shortly before the Beatles arrived in the US, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe rock and roll was the creation of a British conspiracy, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believed circa 1965 that the fall of South Vietnam to the Communists would result in the Pacific Ocean becoming a “Red lake,” you were (probably) deluded.
If you believed circa 1965 that by 1970 at the latest the Soviets would invade the US, you were (probably) deluded.
If you believed before 1989, or still believe, that by the very nature of Communism it was impossible for the Communists to ever abandon the goal of world conquest, you were, or are, (probably) deluded.
If you believed in 1941 or thereafter that FDR really had a map showing the Nazis’ secret plans for reorganizing South America, you were (probably) deluded.
If you believe/believed that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks, you are/were (probably) deluded.
If you believe “Surfin’ Bird” by The Trashmen was the most wonderful record ever released, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an authentic document, you are (probably) deluded.
If you make excuses for the “sins” of your ancestors, such as slavery, by saying that you can’t judge the past by present-day standards, and yet you believe you are not a moral relativist, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the eight years of Bill Clinton’s presidency were eight years of peace, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe everyone in the rest of the world loved and respected the US before George . Bush became president, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the members of the Bush II Administration have ever publicly told the truth about the real reasons they invaded Iraq, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Michael Jackson meant it when he sang, “iI doesn’t matter if you’re black or white,” you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Paul McCartney is dead, you are (probably) deluded.
Etc., etc., etc.

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